Online Abstract Submission

Abstract Guidelines

Submission of abstracts opens on 6th April, 2024 and closes on 5th June, 2024. Grab this opportunity to share your knowledge and research with delegates.

Guidelines for abstract submission:
Abstracts to be submitted in the following format.
Abstract Title: (maximum 20 words)
Name of Presenting Author:
Address for Correspondence:
Name(s) of Co-Author(s):
Abstract: (maximum 300 words)
Aims & Objectives


Standard abbreviations are acceptable. Uncommon abbreviations must be put in parenthesis and preceded by the full word the first time it appears in the text. The presenting author must be a registered delegate for the conference.


Registration for the conference is mandatory.


Certificate will only be provided to the presenting author.
Presenting author needs to be physically present at the conference
Certificates will not be handed over to any representative.

Oral Papers Presentation:

Top five selected oral papers will be presented at the conference on 23rd June 2024, 8:00 am - 9:00 am (8 minutes presentation plus 2 minutes Q&A). The remaining oral papers will be displayed during the conference from the 21st June 2024 to 23rd June 2024 on LED TVs. E-posters Presentation:
The poster session will be conducted on the International style i.e., the discussant (the presenter) of the poster will have to wait near the poster during the poster session to discuss the points raised by the judges during their visit (the time of visit will be announced during the conference).


General specifications:

The E-poster will be displayed on standard 42” (Diagonal) LCD
File format should be PowerPoint (.PPT/.PPTX)
Total size of the presentation should not exceed 10 MB
Maximum number of slides per E-poster: 3 (Three)
All slides should be in landscape format
Animation/movies/sounds will not be supported; please submit in a static PPT format only

Design specifications:

The E-poster needs to be created as
a. Each slide title should be placed in a title placeholder
b. The text should include (most likely as separate elements of the poster)
Introduction, Aim, Methods, Results, Conclusion and Acknowledgements
The poster should be self explanatory. Text should be brief and well organized
It is suggested that font size of the text should be at least 28 point. The typeface chosen should be a simple and clear one (e.g. Helvetica)

Color suggestions:

a. When using light backgrounds (white, yellow, light blue) we suggest using dark fonts (black, navy blue, dark green)
b. When using dark backgrounds (blue, purple) we suggest using light fonts (white, yellow, cyan)
c. Avoid using red or green in any fonts or backgrounds as they are colors that are difficult to read

Illustrations/images/photographs used in the E-poster should be enlarged enough to show relevant details

For any queries contact Siddhi Borrge, Mobile: 9082409236, Email: sc@mahaneocon2024


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